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I will be featuring people here who I admire, who offer their heart to help people. They go above and beyond to help people. I feature them because they have made a profound effect on my life! They will make a profound effect on yours as well. Their programs are great and worth looking into! They are wonderful people and kind. They each have touched my heart!

Ricardo Barnard

Ricardo Barnard is a personal fitness trainer and nutritionist. He works with me, personally to help me stay in shape and stay healthy. I highly recommend his program. It will get you in shape, make you lose weight, and Ricardo keeps you motivated. He is also highly understanding and compassionate. He has a passion for fitness and would love to share it with you.

I grew up in a small industrial town named Uithenage. I went to Albertyn primary school. To tell the truth, I was a skinny, weak kid. I was bullied at school from Grade 1-5 probably or 6 but I know it stopped in grade 7 because I started my training journey in gr 7 and you know how kids can be. So how my training journey started was because of depression. I got depression because kids were mocking me and were bullying me because I was skinny and weak. Even my parents did. So, everyone thought I was a weakling. Depression started kicking in. It was terrible. I felt like I was trapped and it would never end, was like this cloud of darkness over me. While I wasn’t suicidal, I did pray that my life should be taken away in my sleep. But it forced me to train and when I started picking up a pair of 2kg dumbells, I was addicted. I started doing pushups, pullups, lol you name it, I did it at the age of 11. And I did it for a year and when I went to grade 7, hormones started kicking in and I started fighting with kids. But this was also due to depression. This went on until grade 11 in high school I was well known in school for fighting. I didn’t have any close friends or girlfriends. I was absolutely antisocial. The reason for me being like this was when every time a kid or someone disrespected me, I could not stop thinking about it and it just made me feel down and like nothing. So then I started competing in bodybuilding contests. And I met a coach and he taught me everything, he also helped me understand my situation at this time. I went to Psychologists and went for help. I got on medication and all that stuff. But what I started to understand and I believe it, Depression was not my curse, was not my suffering, but my gift, my superpower because every time I got it, I started training harder and pushing harder. I was too afraid to fail or be defeated. For me, depression is a signal, a sign from the mind that you have to do something to kill your anxiety. And with this tool, I went on winning a national contest. I became a damn good trainer. Sorry for bragging though, lol. But I was on the front page of the local newspaper. If anyone asks for a trainer In Uitenhage, my name would always come up the most and now I’m dreaming of dominating the global online fitness coach world.

How to connect with Ricardo:

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Makayla Mcneal

Makayla is a Domestic Violence Survivor like I am. She helps many people everyday who have suffered or are going through domestic violence. She has a huge heart.

Biography: My story started from a very young age, I was always looking for validation in men. I had a very troubling childhood and begin to rebel. My grandmother sent me to New York for what was supposed to be a fresh start . Not long after my uncle began to sexually molest me. I was lost, confused, and afraid .. Frightened and scared, I went to my aunt and told her. She was shocked and appalled but believed me. I sighed in relief. She proceeded to ask him to leave …She went to go downstairs to finish laundry and I proceeded to the living room. Not even ten minutes later, we hear a loud bang. My heart dropped to my stomach fearing the unknown. Much to my astonishment, my aunt comes in screaming at the top of her lungs. I couldn’t understand a word she was saying but, I knew something was terribly wrong. She proceeded to tell me that my uncle had blew his brains out .. In that moment I began to blame myself. So many thoughts were running through my head. I felt alone and scared . The fire department and paramedics came. Since it was my aunt’s husband, she decided to get him cremated and told me to tell his family he died of a heart attack without putting me into treatment or any type of therapy. It was a big family secret and a lie that I’ve forever lived with. I had to go to the funeral and pretend as though I wasn’t looking at the casket of the man who violated me. All his things were in the house I was left with the memory of crows eating away at his left overs and the shared memories of what I thought would be a new start for me. To this day, when I see crows I have flash backs. I am still, to this day, dealing with depression, PTSD and anxiety…I ran away. I couldn’t handle the pain. I soon after met a man I was so head over heels for. He was like my savior and swept me off my feet we soon after had a child together. We were living the American dream. Much to my surprise, when my son was not even 1 yet, I found out he cheated. I thought to myself how could this be , the man I shared my darkest secrets with, the man I adored and would of done anything for. I felt I had, at this point, completely lost myself. Not too much later, I fell into the arms of this man who was charming. Very Charismatic. For the first 6 months, things were amazing. He soon began to drink heavily, calling me names . I told myself it was only name calling and it wasn’t that bad …The name calling then turned to manipulation. Then, to constantly beating me down. I told myself it wasn’t that bad because it had not yet turned physical and I believed that he loved me and that he could change . Not to long after, it became physically abusive. He choked me out to the point of unconsciousness. He also got a knife and cut my arm severely and neck .when I came to my senses, he was gone the little strength I had left, I used to call 911. I was hospitalized for three days and was released to the street. Due to the Domestic violence shelters being over crowded. I felt not only did I have to fight the system, I had to fight my perpetrator as well. I felt disposable to the world. I was homeless in New York, no family, sleeping on park benches, not knowing when I would eat next, or shower. It was some of the worst moments of my life. One day I had an epiphany. I could let this pay break me down or strengthen me to help others. I used it as a way to help me empower others I created the butterfly effect, a domestic violence support group page, to empower and inspire others. I never thought that when I created it, I would get the response I have gotten. It’s been incredible. Life after abuse is very much possible. Everyday that we wake up, there is a new opportunity to achieve greatness. Please know you’re not alone and there are people who care. You’re story is the key to someone else’s survival guide.

Makayla’s Facebook Group

Makayla’s Podcast:


Khail Kapp

Khail is an amazing soul. He is full of energy and very helpful. He was at one point homeless and still living anxiety free. He has helped me greatly with my journey with anxiety. Not only has he helped me, but he has helped so many people. He calls me sister. He calls every female sister and every male brother… but there is a way that he says it that makes it special. I have made more progress working with Khail in six months than I have in 8 years of therapy. He genuinely cares and it shows. He has a huge heart and just wants to help people.

My childhood was hell. At some point I realized that it wasn’t serving me or my life to carry that hell with me anymore and I started using that hate and pain as powerful motivators to push me to make 6 figures, get married and have a child. But I pushed too hard. The PTSD, Anxiety and Depression all caught up to me all at once. I wasn’t sleeping, I was losing touch with my most important relationships and I was running out of money really. In desperate attempts to salvage what little my family had left, I started pushing even harder. I wound up developing moderately severe sleep apnea and tearing my chest in a tragic gym accident. I quit. I quit being Khail. I had to. Simply looking at my first born son at this time was sending me into a panic. And when I quit trying to be Khail and focused my sights on being happy, the wisdom poured in. I started seeing more in the world and opportunities to climb to higher states of experience opened up. Over 2 years of hard work on myself and many surreal spiritual and psychological breakthroughs, I found myself helping anyone who would listen. Now I guide people out of the darkness by showing them the light that exists within themselves. I empower people to free themselves of any mental, psychological, or circumstantial diagnosis. I see through people’s limitations with a lens of love, and I see them through.

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Andy Waring

Andy Has helped me with his programs. I have built this whole website on what he has taught me. Which is super Awesome!

Andy Waring is ‘The Beginners’ Friend‘; an online marketer, coach and trainer.

His background is in personal development and he has helped both corporations and individuals fulfill their potential.  He was employed as the Head of Learning & Development for a major UK company before seeing the error of his ways and setting off on his own.

During his corporate life, he has coached and mentored many leaders and managers, in his own common sense and down to earth way. He has taken the skills that he picked up during this time and transferred it to what he is doing now, helping those wanting to build their own online business.

Andy’s great passions are his family, managing a kids football team  and pottering about in his garden.  Recently having had to give up playing football he has taken up running.  He is a member of a local running club and regularly attends his local ParkRun event every Saturday morning.

He has been helping people since 1994 and has been in the Internet Marketing arena since 2007; long enough to pick up a few tricks of the trade, but also new enough to still remember the challenges of starting up!

He loves using the knowledge and experience he has built up to help others achieve online.  He started this blog to record his thoughts and musings with the hope it would help, inspire and prompt other people to help themselves to online success.


Tommy Roberts


Tommy is a great, kind guy who is doing amazing things!

My name is Tommy Roberts. I live in Little Rock, Arkansas and my background is a lifetime of running grocery stores up until last May.
I left the business after getting involved in a network marketing company called 7k metals. This company allows members to buy precious metals at wholesale prices while also creating a powerful income stream through teambuilding.

My most recent network marketing venture is a CBD company called Zilis. The product is state of the art and the compensation plan is very aggressive.

If you would like more information about either one of these amazing companies you can contact me at

You can also find me on LinkedIn as well as Facebook.

Feel free to contact me anytime!

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Cauveé [kaw-vay]

Cauveé is a fulfillment coach known as the Inspiration Engineer®.  Giving entrepreneurs a BOOST!☕️ in energy, confidence and the courage to take MASSIVE action towards their purpose.  Using the power strategy, music, & edutainment.

Cauveé gave recently gave a TedX talk called the Rise of the Inspiration Engineers®, he’s featured in the Huffington Post as a strategist to watch, is published in Thrive Global, Influencive and Referral Rock, he’s spoken at University of Delaware, Cal. State University, has spoken for YMCA, Toastmasters and many more!

His very first student broke six figures and became #1 northeast division representative at Zillow.  

Cauveé coaches and consults on operation efficiency, project management and optimization, marketing and sales, corporate & personal brand strategy, resilience, gratitude, and leadership & culture. 

Cauveé has been exemplifying success since his sellout concert of 1,209 people at age 18.  If you’re looking to walk in purpose and find fulfillment Cauveé is your man and as he says, let’s BOOST!

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